focused on students
designed for service
dedicated to excellence
Committed to excellence, our team of talented and dedicated dining service professionals are passionate about preparing a variety of fresh and flavorful menu offerings for each meal.
manage your meal plan
Review your meal plan activity, check your meal plan balance, or purchase discounted flex dollars.
emphasize your wellness
We are called to be good stewards of our resources and to care for ourselves and others. Explore our programs designed to help you live the healthiest version of you, sustain all precious creation, promote allergen awareness, and offer additional nutritional resources.
meet our team
Billy Erwin
Terrie Cagle
Executive Chef
ask our dietitian
For answers to nutritional questions (such as eating disorders, food allergies, weight loss, etc), you may send your question to Rachel Hunt, our registered dietitian. She will respond to you through Email.
Rachel Hunt
Registered dietitian
contact Rachel Hunt
discover job opportunities
Service is our product. We recruit and employ individuals with a passion for service. Join the dining services team and help serve your campus community.
need your event catered?
Well thought out menus prepared in-house by our chefs with care and quality ingredients. Select your menu from a bounty of featured offerings.
learn more